The Fountain of Youth: Discover the Age-Defying Benefits of Mesotherapy

Woman receiving no-needle high frequency mesotherapy at beauty salon. non-invasive procedure for skin rejuvenation | Mesotherapy | Citidrips in Wilmington, DE

What is Mesotherapy? 

Mesotherapy is a medical technique that injects small amounts of medications, vitamins, minerals, and other substances into the skin’s middle layer, known as the mesoderm. The procedure typically uses an excellent needle to treat various cosmetic and medical conditions.

In cosmetic Mesotherapy, the injected substances can vary depending on the specific goals of the treatment. Common substances include hyaluronic acid, vitamins, enzymes, amino acids, and plant extracts. These substances are believed to rejuvenate the skin, improve its texture, promote collagen production, and target localized fat deposits.

Mesotherapy is often used for facial rejuvenation, treating wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin. It can also be employed for body contouring, targeting areas with excess fat or cellulite. Additionally, it may be used to promote hair growth in cases of hair loss or as a treatment for specific medical conditions like alopecia.

What areas does Mesotherapy treat? 

Mesotherapy can treat various body areas depending on the specific condition. Here are some common areas where Mesotherapy is often applied:

  • Face: Mesotherapy injections can target specific areas of the face to address concerns such as wrinkles, fine lines, sagging skin, and loss of facial volume. It can help rejuvenate the skin, improve texture, and promote collagen production.
  • Neck and décolletage: Mesotherapy can improve the appearance of the neck and décolletage by reducing sagging skin, fine lines, and wrinkles in these areas.
  • Body: Mesotherapy is often employed to contour and reduce localized fat deposits. Common treatment areas include the abdomen, thighs, hips, buttocks, arms, and love handles. It can help destroy fat cells and promote a more sculpted appearance.
  • Hands: Mesotherapy can be applied to the hands to rejuvenate the skin, reduce the signs of aging, and improve texture. It can help with skin thinning, wrinkles, and age spots.

How does it work? 

Mesotherapy works by injecting various substances into the middle layer of the skin, known as the mesoderm. The substances used in Mesotherapy can vary depending on the specific goals of the treatment, but they typically include vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, hyaluronic acid, and plant extracts.

The exact mechanism of action of Mesotherapy has yet to be fully understood and may vary depending on the substances being injected. However, several proposed mechanisms explain its effects:

  • Localized effect: By injecting the substances directly into the mesoderm, Mesotherapy aims to deliver them directly to the target area, which allows for a more concentrated and localized effect than oral or topical administration.
  • Improved circulation and lymphatic drainage: The injections help improve blood circulation and lymphatic drainage in the treated area; this promotes the elimination of toxins, waste products, and excess fluids, potentially reducing swelling and improving tissue health.
  • Stimulation of collagen and elastin production: Mesotherapy injections may stimulate the production of elastin and collagen, which are proteins that contribute to the strength and elasticity of the skin; this can help improve the skin’s texture, firmness, and overall appearance.
  • Lipolysis and fat reduction: In Mesotherapy used for body contouring, certain substances injected into the fat tissue can aid in breaking fat cells (lipolysis), which can lead to a reduction in localized fat deposits and a more contoured appearance.

Is Mesotherapy for everyone? 

Mesotherapy is unsuitable for everyone, and its appropriateness depends on various factors. It is essential to consult with a qualified healthcare professional to determine if Mesotherapy is ideal for your specific needs and circumstances. Here are some considerations regarding the suitability of Mesotherapy:

  • Overall health: Mesotherapy is generally considered safe for individuals in good general health. However, certain medical conditions or medications may make Mesotherapy unsuitable. It is essential to disclose your complete medical history and any existing health conditions to the healthcare professional performing the procedure.
  • Allergies and sensitivities: Some individuals may have allergies or sensitivities to the substances used in Mesotherapy. It is crucial to inform the healthcare professional about known allergies or previous adverse reactions to medications or injections.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding: The safety of Mesotherapy during pregnancy and breastfeeding has not been thoroughly studied. It is typically recommended to avoid Mesotherapy during these periods due to the potential risks to the developing fetus or the nursing infant.

Additionally, obese and diabetic patients, autoimmune diseases, and patients with infections are suggested not to use the treatment. 

What should I avoid before the treatment?

In preparing for your appointment, it is advised to avoid the following:

  • Gingko Biloba or Willow Bark supplements for at least ten days before treatment.
  • Reduce caffeine intake in the 24 hours before your treatment.
  • Avoid Vitamin E, Aspirin, and anti-inflammatory drugs for at least five days before treatment.
  • Avoid prescription stimulants on the day of treatment.

How do I prepare for a Mesotherapy session?

According to experts, for Mesotherapy on the face, you must follow these specific instructions: 

  • Start your Medrol dose pack three days before the treatment and wash the area with an antibacterial soap on the morning of the treatment. 
  • Avoid applying lotions, creams, bath oils, or sprays. 
  • Use Arnica cream (unless treated on the face) before the treatment and eat a light, high-protein meal or a high-protein bar (with 30 grams of protein or more).

What is the post-treatment instruction? 

After Mesotherapy, you can return to work. However, it is best to do the following: 

  • Avoid showers or hot baths for at least 48 hours and drink plenty of water – 1 gallon on the day of the treatment and 80 ounces (10 glasses) daily until all treatments are finished. 
  • Two weeks following the treatment, avoid hot tubs or saunas, intense exercise for 48 hours, and other creams or lotions on the treated areas for two days. 
  • Wear loose-fitting clothes for at least two days after the treatment. Remember that bruising may last over ten days, so avoiding certain drugs and herbs can help reduce bruising. 
  • For 48 hours, avoid even casual sunbathing, and after that, use at least an SPF 30 sunscreen whenever exposed to sunlight for two weeks after the procedure. Finish the Medrol dose pack if treated on the face, and take Lasix as directed.

Choosing Mesotherapy is wiser if you also select Citidrips. Contact them now and try it for yourself today! 

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